Sunday, 29 March 2009

Ton up and company !

I'm not alone. In addition to the many others that ride LEJOG (or JOGLE) each year, I also have company. For some stages there'll be Geoff (Welcome Back) and brother, Sean (a sibling not a monk). But throughout the whole journey I'll be riding with Hope.. isn't she lovely?
Hope was given to me by Louise (who has Fanconi Anaemia) and so she (Hope, not Louise) will be hitching a ride to see the some of the sights in England, Wales and Scotland.

On another note - today was the last of my training rides. Last weekend I took Friday off and did three consecutive days riding; this week I did my first ride of over 100 miles... and maintained an average speed of 16.5 mph.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

about The Training

I've got a few 90 mile rides under my belt, a new fastest speed (42.6 mph) ..and a sore bum! Hopefully a saddle solution is on the way.. though the first saddle switch was no success!!
The average speeds are only up marginally but the distances are longer and some of the hills do seem a bit easier recently... Is it enough? - time will tell.

Friday, 6 March 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

4th March - my birthday, and so as a special treat to self I take a day off work and up the training to complete my longest ride yet... 90 miles with bike laden as it will be.
After half-way I was feeling pretty good but a little stupid with my rubbery waterproof overshoes on and a bundle of waterproofing strapped to my back like a luminous snail-shell... in the brilliant sunshine. But, the weathergirl said it would be wintery showers and rain and, after a cuppa (or four) in Midhurst, she did not let me down!
Black sky, sudden chill, coat unfurled and on, Petworth, Blizzard!
Everything was working well bar the Garmin 605 which had 'frozen' at about two-thirds distance (58 miles at 16mph) though the legs were glad that it's pretty flat from Chichester to home.